
Pet Supplies Online Recommended by Vets


My Role
Full-time UX Design Lead

6 Weeks

Web & App Design
Tools used
Pen & paper, Google Documents, Mural,
Adobe Suite, FigJam & Figma

Project Research, Ideation, UX Interface Design, Wireframe, Prototyping, Design System, Creative Direction, Testing


ZumShop is the e-commerce division of ZumVet, a leading online veterinary service. It aims to offer a carefully curated selection of premium pet care products, informed by the expert recommendations of ZumVet's trusted veterinarians. The product range encompasses nutrition, diet, hygiene, and overall wellbeing for each lifestages.

The Goal

To develop an e-commerce platform that focuses on medical and health-led product discovery. Allowing customers to confidently seek pet care products with the added assurance from expert recommendations.

The Challenge

To stand out from the saturated pet e-commerce industry.

Discover & Define

Through comprehensive market research and competitive analysis, we conducted a thorough examination of our competitors' goals, key features, and brand positioning. This analysis enabled us to gain a deep understanding of both domestic and international pet product markets, identifying opportunities for a distinctive brand positioning and approach that would differentiate our offering within the competitive landscape.

We conducted user interviews with 8 individuals who were either past or present pet owners to understand more on their purchasing habits, behaviours, considerations when it comes to shopping for products for their pets. We synthesized the data gathered using affinity mapping to identify common themes and patterns.

We learnt that users are:
1. More likely to purchase products that are recommended by their friends & other pet owners
2. Meticulous in their research (mainly online) on pet products before making the decision to purchase
3. Reliant on user reviews and sale numbers (e.g. XX sold) to inform their decisions
3. Sensitive to prices and would do extensive price comparison before making a purchase
4. More likely to bulk buy products during sales/promotions
5. Less likely to browse casually & usually shop with a rough idea of what their pets need
6. More convinced on a product’s performance when it is backed by science

The Solution

To highlight the brand’s unique proposition of vet recommended products by focusing on product discovery through conditions, symptoms and lifestages based user journeys.

‍Leveraging the insights discovered from our market research and the extensive medical data accumulated from ZumVet consultations over the past three years, we developed a comprehensive sitemap that prioritizes the most prevalent health conditions and symptoms frequently encountered by pet owners.

Develop and Deliver

Using the research data, findings and insights while focusing on pet owner’s main needs and experience and ZumShop business goals, we mapped out a feature prioritization table based on it’s percieved value and impact.

After discussing and in agreement with the different stakeholders, we focused on developing features that would bring the highest impact and value for both user and business — (A) Filter & Sort Products (B) Search Bar (C) Discount Code/Voucher Application (D) Subscription (E) Secure Checkout 

Our team planned for ZumShop to be built and rolled out in phases with the first being focused on the skeleton end-to-end journey of finding a product to checking out and recieving the order. ZumShop was also to be part of the ZumVet eco-system where they shared the same data and processes, eventually having it served as a dispensary & e-pharmacy. 

Along with the fundaments and best practices of e-commerce design, the first iteration of ZumShop was designed and built. Overall brand consistency was ensured by following and building on top of the existing brand guide and growing the library. 

The Results

ZumShop, veterinary-curated platform specializing in premium pet supplies features a clean, modern, friendly and professional design style that is prominent in it’s distinctive branding allowing it to be easily differentiated among it’s competitor and also attracts new and existing customers who are in search of the best products for their pets. By strategically designing our landing page with multiple entry points and incorporating relevant search and discovery terms, our team has successfully addressed the challenge of providing an intuitive and informative shopping experience tailored to the specific medical and health needs of pets.

By enabling consumers to establish subscription plans for any product, we not only achieve our business objectives of recurring revenue, increased traffic, and enhanced customer retention but also effectively address logistical and supply chain challenges from both consumer and business perspectives. This approach mitigates the risk of stockouts and provides a convenient and seamless solution for procuring pet products. 

Key Product Screens